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- 妊娠出産、育児、母乳マッサージ、医療のことならMOMがサポートします
+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
- 40年以上に渡り、日系カナダ人社会へサービスを提供。シニアへのプログラム提供やボ...
+1 (604) 687-2172Japanese Community Volunteers Association
- HISは世界に440拠点、お客様に旅のワクワクと感動を提供します!格安航空券はも...
カナダから日本を含む世界へ、もっと世界を楽しもう格安航空券はもちろん、各都市ホテル、JR PASS、カナダ国内外のパッケージツアーやオプショナルツアーなどなど、やっぱりエイチ・アイ・エス!格安航空券はもちろん、その他アジア、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ等様々な都市への航空券、JRパス、日本国内エアパス、各都市ホテル、カナダ国内外のパッケージツアーやオプショナルツアーなどなど、ありとあらゆる旅行のご相談をお...
+1 (604) 685-3524H.I.S. Canada Inc.
- グレーターバンクーバー日系カナダ人コミュニティを代表するNPO団体です。
GVJCCAは、日系カナディアンコミュニティを中心に、人々の人権を守るための活動をしています!雑誌、"The Bulletin"には、私たちの想いがレポートされています。ボランティアとして参加されたい方大歓迎!みなさまからのご連絡お待ちしています!
+1 (604) 777-5222Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association
- 「Vancouver Pride Festival」をはじめとしたイベントを開催...
同性愛者をサポートする非営利団体です。観光客からも注目を集め、多くの企業からもサポートを受けている"Vancouver Pride Festival" は毎年8月に開催されています
+1 (604) 687-0955Vancouver Pride
- 日本向け国際宅配便、買付けの商材発送、ドロップシップメント・転送業務、日本からカ...
スーツケースに入りきらないお荷物、日本のご自宅までお届けいたします!OCS のおてがる帰国便は日本にご帰国のお客様に便利なサービス!カナダ滞在でお荷物が増えてしまい、お荷物の発送をお考えの方!OCSのおてがる帰国便は簡単にお荷物の発送が可能です。ご自宅まで無料で集荷に伺い、日本のご住所まで配達しますので、重いスーツケースを持って移動する手間が省けます。htttp://kikokujapan.com...
+1 (604) 247-2141OCS Canada
Whats happening at the City of Vancouver? Here are the highlights from January 2025
News from Vancouver City Council
This month, Council approved reports on the and the .
Additionally, the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities approved reports on and .
The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2025.
Get the latest agendas, follow meetings and keep up with decisions at
Update on the Demolition of 500 Dunsmuir Street
Preparatory work and began on Friday, January 17, and completed on January 20.
This follows a resolution brought forth by the Chief Building Official (CBO) and approved by City Council on December 18, 2024, declaring the building a danger to public safety due to severe structural deterioration.
Shape Vancouvers future: by-election announced for April 5, 2025
The City of Vancouver will on Saturday, April 5, 2025, to fill two vacant seats on Council.
City Council has appointed Vancouver City Clerk Katrina Leckovic as Chief Election Officer to oversee the by-election. The Chief Election Officer is responsible for ensuring a fair, transparent, and accessible by-election.
City Council approves $2.6 Million in cultural grants
Vancouver City Council to 127 local arts and culture organizations in its first round of cultural grant allocations for 2025. These grants will support projects that promote creativity, inclusion, and community engagement across the city. The funding will help boost Vancouver's arts scene and support the creative economy.
Your books time to shine: submissions now open for the 2025 City of Vancouver Book Award
Calling all authors, publishers, photographers and designers. ! The City of Vancouver Book Award has been recognizing authors of excellence of any genre since 1989. The winning contributor(s) will receive a $3,000 award to be presented at a celebratory event in the fall. The submission deadline is March 5, 2025 at 4pm.
Empty Homes Tax: One week left to declare
We're reminding residential property owners that February 4, 2025 is the for their annual .
As of January 27, approximately 25% of property owners have not submitted their EHT declaration and are encouraged to do so before February 4 to avoid by-law fines.
A declaration is required for all residential properties in Vancouver, regardless of whether the owner lives at the property or rents it. For co-owned properties, only one declaration is required. A $250 by-law fine will apply to owners who miss the due date.
Celebrate the Year of the Snake with the 51st Annual Spring Festival Parade in historic Chinatown
Many Asian communities across Vancouver will , ushering in the Year of the Snake with lively festivities and cultural traditions. Additionally, the 51st Annual Chinatown Spring Festival Parade will take place on February 2 in the citys historic Chinatown district.
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Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4