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- 40年以上に渡り、日系カナダ人社会へサービスを提供。シニアへのプログラム提供やボ...
+1 (604) 687-2172Japanese Community Volunteers Association
- HISは世界に440拠点、お客様に旅のワクワクと感動を提供します!格安航空券はも...
カナダから日本を含む世界へ、もっと世界を楽しもう格安航空券はもちろん、各都市ホテル、JR PASS、カナダ国内外のパッケージツアーやオプショナルツアーなどなど、やっぱりエイチ・アイ・エス!格安航空券はもちろん、その他アジア、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ等様々な都市への航空券、JRパス、日本国内エアパス、各都市ホテル、カナダ国内外のパッケージツアーやオプショナルツアーなどなど、ありとあらゆる旅行のご相談をお...
+1 (604) 685-3524H.I.S. Canada Inc.
- 日本向け国際宅配便、買付けの商材発送、ドロップシップメント・転送業務、日本からカ...
スーツケースに入りきらないお荷物、日本のご自宅までお届けいたします!OCS のおてがる帰国便は日本にご帰国のお客様に便利なサービス!カナダ滞在でお荷物が増えてしまい、お荷物の発送をお考えの方!OCSのおてがる帰国便は簡単にお荷物の発送が可能です。ご自宅まで無料で集荷に伺い、日本のご住所まで配達しますので、重いスーツケースを持って移動する手間が省けます。htttp://kikokujapan.com...
+1 (604) 247-2141OCS Canada
- グレーターバンクーバー日系カナダ人コミュニティを代表するNPO団体です。
GVJCCAは、日系カナディアンコミュニティを中心に、人々の人権を守るための活動をしています!雑誌、"The Bulletin"には、私たちの想いがレポートされています。ボランティアとして参加されたい方大歓迎!みなさまからのご連絡お待ちしています!
+1 (604) 777-5222Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association
- 「Vancouver Pride Festival」をはじめとしたイベントを開催...
同性愛者をサポートする非営利団体です。観光客からも注目を集め、多くの企業からもサポートを受けている"Vancouver Pride Festival" は毎年8月に開催されています
+1 (604) 687-0955Vancouver Pride
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+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
Whats happening at the City of Vancouver? Here are the highlights from December 2024.
News from Vancouver City Council
This month, Council approved reports on the , , and the .
Additionally, the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services approved members motions on , and .
The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for Jan 21, 2025
Get the latest agendas, follow meetings and keep up with decisions at
Home for the Holidays: Foster a shelter dog this holiday
With many animals in need of homes, the City of Vancouvers Animal Services department is to consider fostering a shelter dog for two weeks this holiday season. Dogs available for fostering range in age from newborn puppies to senior dogs.
Celebrate heritage in Vancouver
Nominations are now , which recognize community efforts to preserve and sustain our citys cultural heritage.
The awards acknowledge and celebrate the different facets of heritage in Vancouver that are reflected not only in historic buildings and places, but also through intangible heritage and the self-expressed heritage of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, Urban Indigenous Peoples, and the many cultures that enrich our city.
The deadline for nominations is March 3, 2025.
Lighting up the past: A year-in-review at Vancouver Archives
The City of Vancouver Archives is of uncovering treasures and connecting with the citys vibrant past. From neon signs that lit up the streets to visionary designs that shaped its green spaces, 2024 highlighted the unique stories that define Vancouver.
Empty Homes Tax continues to support housing availability
The City of Vancouvers continues to , according to data released today in the
Since the taxs inception, $169.8 million has been allocated to support affordable housing initiatives to increase the supply and affordability of social housing and to support renters in the city.
Vancouver City Council approves 2025 operating and capital budget with 3.9% property tax increase
Vancouver City Council has totalling $2.34 billion for an overall property tax increase of 3.9%.
The approved 2025 Capital Budget is $880 million and supports delivery of initiatives outlined in the , which provides a total of $3.8 billion in infrastructure investments to improve Vancouvers livability, sustainability and resilience.
The updated final budget documents will be made available at .
Vancouver Plan implementation hits major milestones this year
City Council highlighting significant progress in , reflecting the Citys commitment to addressing housing needs, advancing climate action and supporting economic vitality.
Adopted in 2022 after extensive public engagement, the Vancouver Plan serves as a unified roadmap for the city's future. It focuses on three key ideas that emerged from public input: equitable housing and complete neighbourhoods, an economy that works for all, and climate protection and restored ecosystems.
Broadway Plan updates to add 41,500 new homes over 30 years
Council . Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
CBO recommends demolition of building at 500 Dunsmuir Street
The Chief Building Official (CBO) submitted recommending City Council adopt a resolution to a danger to public safety.
If adopted, the property owner, 500 Dunsmuir Property Ltd., owned by Holborn Properties, will be required to demolish the structure.
Building maintenance, regardless of a buildings occupancy status, is the responsibility of the property owner.
500 Dunsmuir Street to be demolished due to life safety
City Council adopted a resolution to a danger to public safety. The property owner, 500 Dunsmuir Property, owned by Holborn Properties, will be required to demolish the structure. The owner is also required to preserve certain heritage features to be reused in any future development of the site, provided that can be accomplished safely.
Traffic flow restored on Oak and West Pender streets as City completes infrastructure upgrades
As 2024 draws to a close, the City of Vancouver is pleased to announce the recent completion of in the : Oak Street Sewer Upgrades and West Pender Street Water Upgrades: Phase 1.
The City thanks residents, businesses and commuters for their patience and cooperation while ongoing critical rehabilitation, renewal and development projects take place around the city.
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453 W 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4